Monday, November 20, 2006

Changes Ahead

Things are changing in the Wickert home over the next few weeks. Firstly we are getting a dog, which we are very excited about. Jaden, with Sydney's help is slowly overcoming his fear of dogs, so we feel that it is a good time, so they can all grow up together :)

Secondly, I have officially handed in my notice at the daycare. Over the last couple of weeks, it has been made very apparent to me that I just don't have the time needed to effectively run the facility. I am slowly learning, and it has taken me a while to figure this out.......that my job right now is to stay home and raise my kids, look after my house, be there for my husband, have an open and hospitable home etc!! I know many of you are saying "duuuhhh", but this has been a process for me. Up until having my children I worked full time, in good jobs with good pay. Since deciding to quit and be a stay at home mom, I have never really put to bed the desire to continue working outside the home. I have always felt a need for more than "just home & kids". I tend to thrive in a challenge and I like to be busy. Over the last few weeks though, I am finally realizing that this is where I am at right now, and this is what I should be doing. It was confirmed to me last week when Jaden asked me "Mommy, why don't you play with me much anymore?" If that doesn't break your heart nothing will....... So, to cut a long story short, I know this is the right decision for me, us at this time, and I can actually say that I am content with it.

Thirdly, Jasen is in the process of making a huge career change. At this point he is planning to give notice at his state job by the end of the year, and go into business for himself. This is a big step for us, leaving the security of benefits, and retirement, but he is convinced that this is the right time, and I trust that.

So, you can pray for us, and also hold me accountable!! If I come up with anymore hairbrained ideas, PLEASE hollar a huge "NOOOOOO"!!! Thanks :)


the Miller's said...

OH Helen! I competely understand your feelings! I had always worked full time, too. I'm always coming up with..."maybe this job or that job would work, or maybe school..." I think all stay at home moms go through this. You are making a great choice!

Karen said...

Helen, I don't know if you remember that last year we both came up with hairbrained ideas, thinking that we needed something else to do. You are not alone, and I came to the same conclusion you have. You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Helen. Say I just got this great idea for you! It is fool proof and is sure to make you bundles of money and you will only have to put in a day or two a week once it gets rolling!!! Since I know you love music and singing and...Helen?...Helen?...Why aren't you listening? Aren't you interested in making some serious cash and having a bunch of fun in the process?? Helen, is that a NOOOOOO?? OK, OK - How about just singing for no money--it will be a ministry and you only have to spend one day a week...and...



PS - This is only a test. This is only a test.

sixwickerts said...

LALALALALALALALALALALALALA I can't hear you!!!!!!!!!!!! No, seriously I would love to sing for no money! Have something in mind....maybe....for Christmas???

Julie said...

Helen, We will be praying for you and Jasen as you face your future changes. It is amazing how busy you can be just in your home, and I've been having to try to slow that down too. Homeschooling has definitely been keeping me "full-time busy". Its great that you've been able to make the final decision to walk away from the daycare, although I'm sure your involvement and touch on it will have positive, long-lasting benefits. Just remember to go one day at a time and enjoy your family! We love you all and hope to see you some time this winter! Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be thankful for, don't we!