Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A week in review!

This past week has been a real mixture of experiences for sure!!

Where do I start?..... All six of us came down with "the crud" as it is affectionately know here. During that time, my washing machine broke, the VCR broke, the van is still "broke", the dog ran away only to be picked up on the highway by a concerned citizen and taken to the pound. I dropped an open jar of mayonnaise on the floor (you can imagine what my kitchen looked like after that), I scorched one of my nice saucepans cooking rice, then let it scorch again when I was trying to get the original burnt stuff off!! The dog had a serious case of I need to go on? I really really REALLY miss my MOM & DAD!!
BUT after all the trials we also have good things to report... good friends who will go and rescue the dog from the pound (thanks Kristina!). New bunk beds, play time in the snow, good news from the pediatric cardiologist that Adams heart murmur is nothing to worry about, nice family walk on Saturday, coffee with friends, a couple of sunny days, time at the playground, time alone at the grocery store, Auntie Chris who looked after the kids so I could go to the grocery store, a wonderful husband who is always there with a hug and a "it'll be OK honey"!!


Jeremy & Olivia said...

Ah, Helen! I wish I were there to give you a hug and help out!! I will be praying the time until your parents get back goes quickly!!

Becky said...

What cute kids. :) I'm glad we've had a little bit of sun to bring some encouragement! It's nice that God gives us good things along with our difficulties. :)

Mr. E said...

When was the snowie pictures taken? It has been in the 70's(almost 80 today)...and I mowed the yard and did all kinds of outside stuff!!!! See...TN IS THE PLACE YOU NEED TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well!! Much love to you all.

sixwickerts said...

Good to hear from you Ted!! The pics were taken last week!!! It has been a pretty miserable winter here weather wise. I have to daily weather for Tennessee up on my computer, so I see that it has been nice. My parents are actually driving through your way this weekend on their way back to Florida! We will be down in July to visit hopefully :)

Jennifer Caskey said...

:) I can totally relate. Miss Emilee came down with the crud today. It really is no fun. When do your parents come back?

Cooke family said...

Oh my! Nice bunk bed though!

5Mutarts said...

Ohh Helen! I have had those days and even weeks....February was not a good month at the Mutart house. I can totally relate and I am so sorry for the week you had. Chaos is not my friend...I like order, so those times are especially hard. When everything is chaotic I make a cup of tea and pray, that is all I can do! =)