Ok, for all of you Moms that just sometimes need 2 minutes break, here are some creative way to safely contain your children......
Dog Kennels work well........
but if that doesn't quite cut it.......
the dryer is an effective place.....
and if all else fails....

...stick them in front of the TV and let Bob the Builder babysit!!
LOL! We have had a few of those moments to say the least! We have tried all three scenerio's and Bob The Builder is the best! He even entertains Kaylin for a few minutes, at least during the song, which we have memorized! =)
Lots of Love,
The Mutarts
ps. I don't recommend telling your children that you need a few moments of peace. The other day, I asked Ky to do something and he replies, "Mama, I need some peace." Gave us all a good laugh, though!
When you resort to putting them in the dryer, things are getting pretty serious! Did they stay in their hiding places long enough to give you some peace? :)
Well I haven't tried the dryer yet, but I can say yay for Bob the Builder! And Baby Einstein!
Those are hilarious. I am all for the kennel plan. Is it ok to close the door for awhile?? Hummm... Or can I lock the baby in the laundry room with the dogs? Things to ponder...
Step #1 - turn that dog kennel toward the wall, make sure it's close.
Step #2 - when they're not looking, get in.
AHHHHHHH PEACE!!!! For a minute or so that is.
Helen, please don't put the babies in the dryer, if things are that bad I'm coming home!!!!
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