Thursday, June 01, 2006


I know I have told some of you, but for those who don't know I applied to be a contestant on DEAL OR NO DEAL!!! For all you poor people who haven't seen it, you are missing out!! It is so much fun to watch. I figured if you don't ask, you don't get, so why not me!!!! I had to make a 5 minute video plus fill out a huge application and attach pictures, lots of work but it will be worth it if I get on. Even more worth it if I win the million!! So keep your fingers crossed for me!!!


Anonymous said...

What about Deal or No Deal? Have you made it yet Helen? Now if you can get on the show right away, win big bucks, then you can place bets on the World Cup and win more. See how that works!!!

Da Baums said...

I hope you make it!! We'll have a blast! P.S. I want to see the video I heard it was GRRRREAT!!!!!