We had a really long Christmas break which allowed us to move in to our new house and unpack. With Christmas thrown in there too, it was chaotic for a while! Today started our new routine. We had a good school day, although after taking such a long break motivation was a little hard to find in our students! However, we persevered and they did well. I have set up a "classroom" which I think will work really well as it separates "home" from "school".
Helen, that is AWESOME!
That is great.
I think that you should take your students on a "Field Trip" to Florida where they could learn about Alligators and all the different wildlife here.
They could also go to the beach during recess.
I could teach them all about why the temperature is 40 degrees warmer here than in Tennessee and they could run around in their shorts with no shirt to see for themselves what that means. They could learn all sorts of interesting stuff like that.
The place looks fantastic. It's a really good idea Babe.
Beautiful school room. It's so neat and tidy! After my own heart. :)
Lol....well you look a little more organized than me! We acquired some older school desks and that has been great to separate the boys. It is nice to be in a routine isn't it? Do you have a home school co-op there? When we lived in TN, it seemed like home school was a big thing. The school room looks great and the kids are even more cute! =)
I am so glad you reminded me to check out your blog. Your classroom is great! It is a wonderful idea to separate school from church. 2 thumbs way up!
Wow! Way to go Teacher Mom. It looks very professional. I'm proud of you. Good luck with getting back into the swing of things. I'm not ready to get back after the break myself. :)
Your school room looks great. I know you will have a great rest of the school year. We finally have a school room now too and I fully understand your desire to seperate school from the rest of the house. We send hugs to you all!
Your classroom looks really great. Glad you are getting all settled in :)
Thanks for the pics of your classroom! I've been wondering how it's going. Is it something you would like to continue next year or will they be going to a school? Are there any Christian schools in your area? Sometimes I think homeschooling would be fun. (And sometimes not!)
Hi Helen,
Very organized, just the way I like it!
You are sure going to be kept busy this year, you remind me of Dominique King, she homeschools her four kiddos as well.
I remember you mentioning that Christian schools are quite spendy in Tennessee. Do you think that you'll stick with homeschooling next year?
I have been meaning to call you but I never get around to it until evening and then it is too late to call with the time difference. I know excuses, I need to set aside some time during the day. I miss you lots!
That is a great set-up Helen. You are so organized, it just amazes me. Both you and Becky have such a gift at that. The kids are growing and looks like doing well. Boy we miss you all here, but I guess Tennessee is not a bad place to be. Warmer - although not as warm as Florida. I love your Dad's comments, although he forgot to mention the cockroaches. They would make an interesting science project. Love you all.
Patsy.... I know this is hard to believe but in the almost a year we've been in Florida I haven't seen one cockroach. Honest!!
They heard you were coming Kevin!!!!
Yeah Patsy they must have. LOL
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