I guess this whole thing started about 18 months ago. We have been feeling for sometime now that it may be time for us to move on, but we didn't have any clear direction as to where or when. The last year or so has been hard for me, dealing with the constant bad weather that never seems to let up, and because of that being tied to the house with the small children, not being able to get out and do much. I long for a grassy yard for them to run in!! Jasen has always felt a strong call to ministry, and things for us in that respect have wound down for us here also. My parents had also been feeling that their time here was drawing to a close, and they made the decision at this summer to end their ministry here and move on. That is the why.....
Now to the where! My sister-in-law, Jenn started us looking in Nashville...the more we looked the more we liked. The housing is still
relatively inexpensive, but the area is also growing rapidly. There is much to do there, and the people are very warm and friendly. Nashville is a good location for us, as it is midway between Jasen's parents in Ohio and North Carolina, and also
Jenn's parents in Virginia. The climate is great, they have all four seasons, and there is not the big city feel that
alot of "down south" places have. Overall, everything we have seen, we like. We are aiming to leave
Ketchikan around the first part of February, if all goes well with selling our house. We are continuing to walk ahead with this, knowing that God has our future and we are trusting Him with it.
So, Angie there you have it! Hopefully that filled you in a little more on our plans :)