Most of you that know us, and our children, know by now that Evan is the little monkey in the family. He is the sweetest, cutest thing, but I can not leave him alone for one minute without him getting into something. Becky was over for dinner tonight, and we were having a nice, actually quite relaxing chat, when Jaden came running in to the living room "oh no mommy look what Evan's doing, he made a big mess!" Sure enough, Evan had made his way into my baking cupboard and this was the result!! Isn't he cute though? :)
The picture above ("sweet") looks much more serene and relaxed. "Dough Boy" makes me think of brooms, dustpans, and my Dustbuster hand vacuum! What did he find, the flour? He will enjoy those photos when he gets older!
Ha Ha! Cute!
It turned out to be a good chance for me to read the dog book with Jaden and Adam while you cleaned the babies and the kitchen! Chatting is still fun even if it's punctuated with interesting events. :)
Very, very cute.....he just has a little head start on the upcoming holiday baking :)
Great pictures!! I'm sure there is never a full moment in your house.
I meant dull moment!
Looks like a scientist or chemist in the making!
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