Well, as a mother of the four most beautiful children on the planet, I have lots of things to brag about. Today, I want to focus on Jaden. For years Jaden has been terrified of dogs, due to an encounter with Maloneys vicious beast Buddy when he was about 18mos old!! However, since David and Jenn have had Sydney, he has slowly started to overcome his fear. On Sunday we had a major breakthrough, as you can see! Good job Sydney, you did something, none of us ever thought possible :)
On another note, Jaden recently brought home his very first report card from school. We were so proud of him. He is excelling in every area! Most importantly his teacher says he is a joy to have in class, he is a good listener and a good friend!! We love you Jaden :)
Is this picture super-imposed? I can hardly believe it!
As for Jaden's teacher - she is pretty cool! haha He is a fun kid to have in class. He just loves school and most of the time likes to learn! We have a good time!
Great job Jaden!!!
Yay for Jaden! I'm glad he's liking school too!
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